Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tacky Heart Part Deaux
Monday, February 15, 2010
Random Picture Time
Example: A lobster tail butterfly made by a chef at our favorite Japanese restaurant. We arrived at 9:00, which was late for a weeknight meal. The chef was so gracious and served us as usual. At the end of the meal he took the time to make me a butterfly out of hubby's lobster tail. Just to make things clear, hubby is not a lobster--he had ordered lobster. Ha!
This is a picture I snapped from inside my car. I had just pulled up at my parents' house to pick up my Mama when I looked out at my Dad's barn area. This neatly stacked wood caught my eye. I couldn't help but tear up a little bit. This wood represents my Dad's constant hard work and planning. They have a wood burning heater and this wood would help keep them warm this winter. I hope I have learned from my Dad's prepared.
Finally, a quirky one, not for the faint of heart or the cholesterol challenged:
This is my Mama's ham pan. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas she bakes a ham in this very pan. The morning after Thanksgiving I was in the kitchen with her when she pointed out this image in the pan. She had put water in the pan to make cleaning it easier. It made a perfect turkey when the grease from the ham floated to the top and dispersed. Weird, huh?Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
I lurve this platter. It is huge. I found it in Pensacola one day when I went thrifting with Diane and Ralphie. I have used this thing time and again! It's on display right now on my table.
Here it is with more pretty cupcakes:
Now boys and's random picture time! I don't believe I've ever posted a close up of this tole painted lamp. The detail is beautiful.
Just call this my faux flower Valentine vignette. Do not pay attention to the husband's foul weather parka on the chair at the end of the table. Stop looking at it. Maybe I should call it the faux flower foul weather parka Valentine vignette. Say that quick three times!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tacky Clock Valentine
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snow of January 2010
I had to go to work so I missed the heavy snow. But hubby was kind enough to take pictures and video and even made me an iddybiddy snowman.
No, it's okay, really. It only snows like once every 20 years. Really. Don't worry that you didn't give the snowman a face. Or a scarf. Or even a baby carrot nose. All joking aside, hubby was sweet to document everything for me. He's thoughtful like that.
So, by the time I get home like 3 1/2 hours later, every. single. flake. had melted.
Oh, and about my snowman.....