Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just a Few Tidbits

I apologize for my blog post earlier this week. My photos were all out of whack! I think they're fixed now. Let's just say that I've not been having the best of luck with my mobile blogging apps. It probably has something to do with the new iPhone update that I haven't done yet....

I left off one of my finds from last week....a nice, wrought iron baker's rack for $12.00. Should be able to flip for a nice profit. Does flip apply to non real-estate transactions? :)

For all my fellow boothers out there, if you're like me and constantly need plate holders for display, check out this neat idea. It's a fork turned into a plate holder. It was pretty sturdy and a good way to have cheap plate or book stands.

I need more shelf space at my second antique booth. So my dear husband is building this out of the last of my Restore doors. This little shelf measures 21" wide by 12" deep and I can't remember how high. It should hold lots of goodies! I just need to decide on the color to paint it.


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