Sunday, September 9, 2007

Homecoming 2007

It was homecoming at church today. Our church was founded 59 years ago. It is always such a special day. We had two baby dedications today also. So, I've had a busy day today and yesterday, when I did the bulk of my cooking. See, that's one of the good parts of homecoming... the huge meal after church. You know the one where all the ladies bring their best dishes and desserts and you eat until you cannot hold another ounce! For my dessert I made this strawberry cake.

I was so disappointed when I tried to get the layers out of the pan because EACH layer had an 1" indention directly in the center. I've never had this happen before! Maybe because I let my layers cool in the pan? I started to get fresh strawberries and put them in the center but then I decided to take it just like it was. But you know what, I came home with one piece left. ONE PIECE. So I guess it was edible, even with the huge crater in the center!

It's always good to see family and old friends and reminisce about the past.

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